Recent video works

Video about grill

Voluntary work for the society of my village Pohjankuru about one of their projects. They acquired and set up a barbecue grill for public use on one of the village's peninsulas by the sea. CC Finnish and Swedish.

Promo of craft beer

Promo video for the Latvian Craft Beer brewery Malduguns. Name of the beer "Senča eksistenciālais tukšums".

Promo of craft beer

Promo video for the Latvian Craft Beer brewery Malduguns. Name of the pale beer "Bālais Zēns".

Video production for the HELCOM

In 2024 Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission - HELCOM) had its 50th anniversary celebration. I had to produce multiple interview and testimonial videos that were shown during the ministerial meeting in Latvia on 25.4.2024.

Video report about Nordplus Junior project

In 2023. I had an opportunity to join Nordplus Junior project FILVIS for the purposes of creating a short video report about one stage of this project - a learning trip to Iceland. Video was commissioned by the LEKO organisation in Finland.

Infotainment video about choir

Video about The Latvian-Finnish choir “Ziemeļmeita”. Interview with Polish conductor Karol Kisiel, who tells his story about working with a multinational choir and his affection with the Latvian Song and Dance Festival.

Portrait video for Laivas

Video about Kārlis Caunītis who is répétiteur of the folk dance group "Aurora" in Finland. Kārlis tells about his experience in this dance group and the Nationwide Latvian Song and Dance Festival. Video was made for the association for Latvian-Finnish families "Laivas".

LKOS LAW Office Oy

Promotion video "Your trusted business lawyer" about Liene Krūmiņa, lawyer and partner of the LKOS LAW Office based in Finland.

Documentary short film

In September 2023 together with another short film enthusiast Tero Savolainen we produced this short film as part of the Uneton 48 docs festival.

Village skate park

In August 2023 in Pohja village Raseborg new skate park was opened. More info about the skate park HERE.

BSFF 2023 trailer

Blue Sea Film Festival had its 30th Aniversary and I made a short video trailer for the festival using provided photos. Trailer was shown on the big screen in cinemas and on the social media channels of the festival. More info about the festival:

Portrait video for Laivas

Portrait interview video about Ilze Liepiņa-Naula for the Latvian-Finnish family association "Laivas" in Finland. More info:

LEKO promo video

Promo video for LEKO about their primary education programm for immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. More info:

LKOS LAW Office Oy

Promotion video for the LKOS LAW Office Oy based in Helsinki. This video is about specialist partner Iscari Seppälä. I did script, camera work, filming, editing, sound, music selction and also animation of the logo. Info about LKOS:

LEKO Erasmus+

Project report video for LEKO about their project "The non-national adults learn".